This moral, means acceptance in their midst, and that ultimately is a sum of statistically customs shared by most and although very often, many of them are unethical, because it is something that most do, are accepted as buenasa a . Nobody can say that such a beautiful sight to appreciate the torture of an animal is something unethical, but we all know that the so-called artea bullfighting is, and in countries that are considered the first world is not only accepted but appreciated. Hunting must have been something ethical when companies relied on this practice for their livelihood, but actually killing an animal that we eat not only for sport can not be considered unethical even though it is socially acceptable. But these are not the only lessons we received from the moral, is also the work culture. As if education takes place in a high socio-economic environment, medium or low, humans of different societies are educated almost entirely to the culture of work, under the old rules are considered to work dignificaa a . Any person who comes from an honest, decent, it must work, because it is a vague, and consequently receives social condemnation, contempt. By this reason, and at young ages in many cases, according to the expectations of each youth's academic development and the need of a family environment to which they belong, to induce all to find a job and work, thereby maintaining a healthy attitude toward life, a dignified attitude. .