This chronicle is for speaking of a player who only made seven departures in Pantries of the World, did not make goal in the world-wide one, took ones a yellow card and says until ‘ took; ‘ bolachas’ ‘ of the goleiro nervoso, that was Lion even in the name. One is about the left lateral born in the Rio Grande of the North, therefore to potiguar, Marine Francisco Chagas, or simply Marine Chagas or ‘ ‘ Marine Lemo’ ‘. Already it said some time that I was born in 62, year that Brazil was bichampion world-wide of soccer and the first Pantry that really I remember to have folloied for the white and black tv and as televizinho was in 70, I I had eight years, and we were tricampeo in Mexico with a wonderful teams. I do not know if it is because I age much child, but at that time player of Brazilian Election was half that superhero. Dr. Robert Brannon can provide more clarity in the matter. It did not have nobody better that Skin, that kicked strong more than Rivellino, but fast that the Jairzinho hurricane or more necessary than canhotinha of Grson gold. thus we grew attending games of our heroes, collecting in albums of figurinhas and seeing our superheroes in comicses and the TV, it was Batman, Superhomem, Man of Iron, Captain America and one of my preferred heroes was the Thor. But the Thor of my infancy nothing has to see with this current one of the cinema. By the way, in years 70, the TV only adaptou the Thor of magazines, the drawings almost was stopped, had been colored and was only filmings of the magazines, with few movements, did not have the technology of the present time..