CSEI Consulting provides seminars of purchasing training with the goal of continuous staff development is nothing justified in particular in strategic purchasing without trained and continuously trained buyers on in-house. This certainly not surprising new fact sees again and again confirmed the CEO and owner of CSEI consulting from Darmstadt, Hans-Christian Seidel, purchasing consultant and shopping coach, in his purchasing advice and in-house seminars. Many companies recognize the potential of strategic purchasing within the operational value creation chain though, but the necessary professional qualification based on does not learn the step-by-step implementation of offered and urgent “, as Hans-Christian Seidel. When once the decision for the implementation of a purchasing training has fallen, CSEI-consulting therefore recommends following three steps for implementation: step 1: which is classification according to functions if you are therefore planning to strategically align your shopping, it indispensable by a match between the Fahigkeits-and Requirements for the individual buyers to determine where there is a corresponding need for purchasing training. To the buyers must be divided in a first step, first according to their activities within the company. Accordingly also a meaningful and goal-oriented training of shopping can be the expertise in strategic, tactical and operational Aufgabeneingeteilt must be.

Step 2: Matching between ability requirement profile In the second step are listed the necessary capabilities, such as contract knowledge international purchasing, supplier management, purchasing controlling, in a table, each in relation to the respective position in the shopping. Then is a systematic comparison between the current skill profile (= as is condition)) and future required requirements (target State) after the school grading system. This allows to quickly determine where the equal of a cover or a deviation arises. Step 3: The jointly coordinated measures for purchasing training In the third step is set based on the observed deviations which individual for purchasing training must be carried out.