The Spaniards – bullfighting, Americans – baseball, and in Central Asia and Afghanistan – Kozlodranie – the game. What is kozlodranie – a game point of the game on a large platform where collected hundreds of riders on the best horses, all around crowd of many thousands of fans. One day before the game organizers games cut 4.3 biggest goats, and they are left under water for one day, so they become even harder and the skin stronger. And so the game begins. One Judge throws of goats in the middle kozlodrantsev, they have unusual clothing. Helmet on his head like tankers feet long leather boots and the best horse.

Objective: To each kozlodrantsa – faster than any raise goats and jump out from the crowd kozlodrantsev. This is a very hellish work. This is very dangerous. Try sitting on a horse in a crowd of players, from under the feet of hundreds of enraged horses to raise up to seventy-pound goat and jump out from the crowd. In an angry crowd of players when kozlodranets wants to bend down and pick up the goat, the error in the action will cost him dearly. During the tilt the other horses pressed down and hit his chest and her horse, if they do not withstand such a blow, he and his horse could fall under the feet of other horses.

If he has no allies, the crowd was not spared. Sometimes kozlodranets may lose control of his horse and ran into a crowd of fans. Can you imagine a horse at full speed bumps into people and the fans can do is fly the ball. I want to tell you about one hero kozlodrantse. He was an idol for many, people with talent from God. Champion among kozlodrantsev. He was 25 years old, young, handsome, athletic, and all loved him. The girls were away in delight. His father was not rich, but they normally lived in the village all his respect. He very much liked the same girl. And then one day his father approached him and said: "You gotta marry, for I have found you a bride "- Who is she – Farida, the daughter of my old friend – Mirza. – But, Father, I like another girl – Sonny, you know, I have one word, the more I gave the word to her father and did not dare argue with me anymore. Mirza was in their district most influential and wealthy man. And kozlodranets married the daughter of Mirza. Muslims have such a law after the wedding, the bride first night, if your wife will not be a virgin, you are automatically divorced her. and Here the daughter was not a virgin. pleaded not much had asked not to divorce his daughter that he can not bear this shame, stood in front of his friend on his knees, so he persuaded his son not to divorce, and his father kozlodrantsa said that he would always solve them himself. You're my brother, but he's my son. Here we are talking about the honor of your and my family, I decided that I let the matter resolves himself. – I'm divorced with your daughter, if I was even thrown into hell. Immediately take her to our house. And they divorced. And then Mirza gave him and his father, a real hell. From the author: I think that I have no talent to write a book or screenplay, if someone wants to write about a book or kozlodrantsa scenario, with pleasure helped write it to the end.